"... every cat requires and deserves shelter. Cats are not wild animals. They cannot dig dens as most non-climbing wild animals do. They do not shelter in tree holes, as most climbing wild animals do. They will not share ground dens with other species, as many wild animals do. Cats cannot build their own shelter, therefore it must be provided for them. In our opinion, there is absolutely no exception to this." - American Cat ProjectThe cats at the Corsetti Colony montiored by Toronto Cat Rescue volunteers would agree with the above statement!  The Corsetti feral cat colony is a group of approximately a dozen cats that live in the parking lot of a west end meat packing plant. Naturally, they are well fed! TCR began in the Fall of 2010 to spay/neuter this colony, and we are about half way through fixing the cats. Beautiful insulated shelters were set-up by the colony caregiver Jennifer, and a group of dedicated volunteer feeders have begun keeping these cats on a schedule so that trapping them is easier. They are a group of mostly beautiful tabbies, donations in their honour are greatly appreciated! Donate towards their efforts via CanadaHelps. Learn how you can build a winter cat shelter for feral or stray cats in your area via the links recommended by Toronto Feral Cat Project.   Lots of tips and advice offered -  shelters vary from Rubbermaid containers to wooden shelters.  Help keep a cat alive this coming winter.

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